We are so grateful for the wonderful partnerships God had given us.
First Evangelical Free Church.First Free is our mother church. For many years they provided major financial support for our basic operating expenses. While that financial subsidy has ended, volunteers from First Free continue to minister through Hilltop in amazing ways.
Grace Revolution Church. Grace Revolution is actually an urban, not a suburban, church partner, though many of its members are suburban. Hilltop and Grace partner in several key ministries:
Manna Meal. The partnership between Hilltop and Grace start with the resurrection of our Manna Meal, the monthly free lunch for our neighborhood.
Mobile Medical Clinic.
Youth Group.
Wheatland Mission.Wheatland Mission is another church that meets in our neighborhood. They partner with us and Grace Revolution in operating the Mobile Medical Clinic.
World Impact. World Impact is not a church, but an urban ministry organization. They provide the Mobile Medical Clinic that serves our neighborhood each Monday evening at Hilltop.
West Evangelical Free Church.West Free has a long history of volunteer involvement at Hilltop. As both West Free and Hilltop are redefining how we do ministry partnerships, we are exploring the most strategic ways we can partner moving forward.
East Evangelical Free Church. East Free is also redefining how they do mission partnerships to be more about empowering indigenous leadership. We are together exploring how best Hilltop and East can partner.
Iglesia Evangelica Libre Genesis. Genesis is a daughter church of Hilltop. They met in our building for the first five years before moving to their own building. We continue to worship together from time to time and engage in shared ministry.
Iglesia Evangelica Libre El Faro.El Faro (The Lighthouse) is a granddaughter church of Hilltop, planted by Genesis. El Faro targets first-generation Spanish-speaking immigrants and meets in our building. Hilltop and El Faro have a shared ministry team that guides the development of shared ministries between our two churches.
Central Christian Church.Central Christian Church has long supported Hilltop with finances and volunteers. We are exploring with the Central’s Missions Committee how their people can be more fully engaged in ministering to the urban poor.